

不断前行的 国际设计 2023-09-17


The third YUANYE AWARDS architectural projects sharing meeting starts on 15th July 13:40 -16:40 Beijing time. 10 international architects will participate in this time. You can watch live broadcasting on Xiaoe-tech platform by scanning the QR code.

张继元 Zhang Yingfan

时境建筑创始人、AIA, NCARB, RIBA注册建筑师

Founding Partner of Atelier Alter Architects, Registered Architect AIA, NCARB, RIBA Chartered Member

蒋晓飞 Jiang Xiaofei


GM of NEXT Architects (China) 

刘春阳 Liu Chunyang

德国欧博迈亚工程咨询(北京)有限公司上海分公司建筑与城市规划 总监

Director of Architecture and Urban Planning in OBERMEYER Enginnering Consulting (Beijing) Co.,Ltd /Shanghai Branch

卜骁骏 Bu Xiaojun

时境建筑创始人、AIA, NCARB, SARA, LEED AP注册建筑师

Founding Partner of Atelier Alter Architects , Registered Architect AIA, NCARB, SARA,LEED AP



DANIEL DÍAZ MIRANDA先生,是智利2DM建筑事务所的创始人,他有着15年的私人住宅设计经验。
Founder of 2DM ARQUITECTOS. Architectural Designer with 15 years of experience focus in residential private architecture.


Prebarco House

©Nico Saieh

更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture.

The only requirement of client is to get a view of the sea, it involves the generation of a compact volume and achieves the depth of the landscape in a single look. The shape as a single, suspended volume pointsdramatically to the sea just as a ship would.

祝晓峰 Zhu Xiaofeng

山水秀建筑事务所 Scenic Architecture Office


Zhu Xiaofeng, the founding principal of Scenic Architecture Office, got his MArch degree from Harvard  GSD  and his PhD degree from Tongji University. He is currently teaching as a guest professor and design instructor at CAUP, Tongji University. He is also a chartered member of RIBA and a member of Architectural Society of China.  


深潜赛艇俱乐部 Deep Dive Rowing Club


更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture.

Deep Dive Rowing Club blends into nature with minimal interference, and realizes a small settlement in the forest through close collaboration with nature.

Philipp Ostermaier

Zaha Hadid Architects


Philipp joined Zaha Hadid Architects in 2009 and has there contributed to projects, product designs and research on a diverse range of scales. In 2013 he led the design competition team for the Leeza Soho Tower and subsequently relocated to Beijing to carry the project through all stages as Project Architect until completion. His interest has been focused on creating geometrically and structurally expressive designs using computational methodologies. This has been complemented with first hand experience of delivering projects in China. He is a graduate of Zaha Hadid's Vienna Masterclass and a licensed Architect in the UK and Germany.


北京丽泽Soho Leeza Soho


Leeza SOHO tower’s design divides its volume into two halves enclosed by a single facade shell. The emerging space between these two halves extends the full height of the tower, creating the world’s tallest atrium at 194.15m. This rotation of the atrium intertwines Leeza SOHO’s two halves in a dynamic ‘pas de deux’ with connecting sky bridges on levels 13, 24, 35 and 45; its glazed facade giving panoramic views across the city.

Sergei Tchoban

Tchoban Voss Architekten

Sergei Tchoban是一名俄罗斯裔德国建筑设计师。1992年他在汉堡NPS Nietz-Prasch-Sigl公司建筑部工作,1995年他成为该公司的管理合伙人。2017年后成立TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten,并在汉堡、柏林和德累斯顿都有办公室。2018年Sergei Tchoban荣获由芝加哥雅典娜建筑与设计博物馆颁发的欧洲建筑奖。

Sergei Tchoban is a Russian-German architect. In 1992 he started working at the architectural office NPS Nietz - Prasch - Sigl in Hamburg. In 1995 he became managing partner of this company, which since 2017 trades as Tchoban Voss Architekten with offices in Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden. In 2018 Sergei Tchoban received the European Prize for Architecture by Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design.


Greifswalder Strasse / Heinrich-Roller-Strasse, Berlin

©Roland Halbe

The project is located in the Berlin district of Pankow, Prenzlauer Berg, it is an office building was created whose expressive, lively main façade with its floor-to-ceiling, square grid structure of light architectural concrete prefabricated parts immediately strikes the eye. The structure comprises six full storeys, which can be used per rental unit as flexible combinations of open-plan offices, individual offices, conference and meeting rooms as well as coworking spaces. 

南迪 Nandin


南迪,蒙古族新锐建筑师,PLAT ASIA 合伙人、设计总监,UCL巴特莱特建筑学院建筑学硕士。受剑桥大学邀请完成以“蒙古包的新陈代谢”为主题的草原建筑主题演讲。致力于草原文化和城市空间的研究与实践,提出前瞻性的“明日草原”建筑理念,即如何在当代将草原文化和现代建筑理论体系相结合,实现基于人的行为的未来建筑空间。 
Mongolian rising architect, Partner, Design director of PLAT ASIA, Nandin, obtained the M. Arch from Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, 2019. And he was invited by Cambridge University to make a keynote speech about Yurt metabolism. Devotes to the expression of steppe culture and urban space practice for six years, proposed his "FUTRUE MONGOLIA" architectural subject, that is, connect the traditional and contemporary space ideas and design methods, explore to the future of steppe spirits in architecture based in behaviors of humankind.


希拉穆仁·丝路梦郡 Silk-Road Dreamland Resort 


The design concept derived from the aesthetics of steppe, combined the phenomenon wind, grass, water, cloud, sky, applied and designed for peoples’ experience.

Rubén Gutiérrez Rodríguez

Iterare Arquitectos 


Rubén Gutiérrez Rodríguez 曾获得Cátedra Blanca竞赛的一等奖,并与ETSAV的建筑系教授一起合作研究。他曾在日本Shinto Tsushin担任建筑设计师。有了丰富的经验后,在2014年他与Pedro Ponce在西班牙瓦伦西亚成立了Iterare arquitectos。

Rubén Gutiérrez Rodríguez wins the first prize at Cátedra Blanca´s competition, and receives different scholarships for research work to be developed together with architects professors in the ETSAV, After graduating he works in Japan for Shinto Tsushin as an architect and designer. With the acquired experience starts in 2014 Iterare arquitectos, along with Pedro Ponce, settling in Valencia.



Lemon Tree House  

©David Zarzoso

The Lemon tree house is an exercise in understanding the Mediterranean light, typical of its physical and cultural context. The house embraces the ancestral mechanism of the Mediterranean courtyard, confined and defined by whitewashed walls that overflow with light, to relate to the climate and introduce it into the interiors and into the experience of inhabiting the space. 

 卿州 Qing Zhou

goa大象设计(Group of Architects)

Ms. Qing Zhou has more than 13 years of experience in the field of architectural design, always solving complex problems creatively. She has created a number of important large-scale urban complex and corporate headquarters projects, and won many awards at home and abroad. As a famous project management expert, she is good at breaking through the limitations of complex functions and environments, finding differentiated market positioning for the project, and bringing more elegant and harmonious experience for customers.


阿丽拉乌镇 Alila Wuzhen  


更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture.

The layout of Alila Wuzhen is fashioned after traditional settlements in water towns in Jiangnan area, especially their public spaces and combinations of public and private spaces. During the design process, iconic elements of the traditional public spaces, such as village cores, nozzles, alleys and canals, are highlighted, and the scale and system of traditional streets and alleys are retained. In addition, the way alleys and paths are intertwined in traditional rustic settlements is also featured in the design to form a windmill-shaped grid system.

Julien Rousseau

FRESH architectures

Julien Rousseau是法国FRESH建筑事务所的设计师和创始人之一。在2007年,他与Luca BATTAGLIA 和Ulisse GNESDA一起创立了该公司。目前FRESH建筑事务所有40位同事一起应对从重建到新建的项目,覆盖诸如办公室、公寓的类别。
Julien ROUSSEAU est architecte et co-fondateur de l’agence FRESH architectures, crée en 2007, avec Luca BATTAGLIA et Ulisse GNESDA. FRESH architectures compte aujourd’hui, au sein de ses effectifs, 40 collaborateurs traitant sur une variété de projet allant de la réhabilitation lourde à des opérations neuves d’envergure variées tels que les projets de bureaux ou de logements. 


Origami  XXL

©David Foessel

Cette polyphonie architecturale de 121 logements se décline entre accession et intermédiaire selon trois accords distincts : des maisons de ville de trois étages, un bâtiment de sept étages et une tour de 15 étages, soit 50 mètres qui s’érigent comme le mât d’un navire. Sur chacune de ses faces, l'on pourra déployer sa longue vue sur le grand paysage de Paris et ses émergences bien connues. 

陈林 Chen Lin

尌林建筑设计事务所 Shulin Architects

尌林建筑设计事务所创始人 / 主持设计师,硕士毕业于中国美术学院建筑系,荣获2020 Architizer A+Firm全球年度最佳小型建筑事务所设计大奖。
As the Founder and  lead designer of Shulin Architectural Design Firm,  he graduated from the Department of Architecture of China Academy of Art and won the 2020 Architizer A+ Awards for Best Small Firm of the Year.


浙江拾云山房  Liangjia Mountain, Wuyi · Mountain House in Mist


更多详情,点击图片 For more details, click on the picture.

Under the experimental thinking, this project will explore the relationships between the rural public welfare libraries and local culture, design innovation, regional environment and the using methods.

Theo Sarantoglou Lalis

LASSA Architects

Theo Sarantoglou Lalis 是LASSA建筑事务所的合伙创始人之一,LASSA是一家国际建筑事务所,在伦敦和布鲁塞尔都有办公室。LASSA涉猎领域包括艺术、建筑和景观设计。
Theo Sarantoglou Lalis is the co-founder of LASSA Architects, an international architecture practice with offices in London and Brussels. LASSA operates at the intersection between the fields of art, architecture and landscape. 


KHI House


The project is formed by a single continuous rippling wall that frames a series of protected courtyards at the extremity of each wing. The X-shaped massing divides the site into four distinct areas providing the eastern gardens with visual intimacy and variable shading throughout the day. The wall surface is animated by cast concrete ripples whose amplitude diminishes along the length of the facade. The course of the sun creates a play of shadows throughout the day. The rippling wall acts as a backdrop for tree shadows.

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园冶杯国际竞赛始创于2010年,历时11年的发展,现已成为行业内参与面、参赛量、规模均处于顶尖水平的国际赛事之一。第十一届园冶杯国际竞赛共吸引 20 多个国家及地区参与,其中专业奖项有500多个企业近1000件企业作品参赛,大学生奖项有430多所高校、8000多名学生的3000余件学生作品参赛,近200位国内外专家学者参与评审。

Since established in 2010, YUANYE AWARDS has become one of the well-known international competitions with diverse scales and wide participation. The 11th YUANYE AWARDS attracted competitors from more than 20 countries and regions. For the professional awards, there are more than 500 enterprises competing with 1000 design works; for the students’ awards, over 8000 students from about 430 universities competing with more than 3000 works. The panel is formed up with nearly 200 domestic and international experts and scholars.


预告 | 2021第三期园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会7月15日举办
预告 | 第十二届园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会31日举办
震撼直播 | 第十一届园冶杯国际建筑奖优秀作品分享会


